
Terminal value problem for the system of fractional differential equations with additional restrictions

    Oleksandr Boichuk Affiliation
    ; Viktor Feruk Affiliation


This paper deals with the study of terminal value problem for the system of fractional differential equations with Caputo derivative. Additional conditions are imposed on the solutions of this problem in the form of a linear vector functional. Using the theory of pseudo-inverse matrices, we obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability and the general form of the solution of this boundary-value problem. In the one-dimensional case, the obtained results are generalized to the case of a multi-point boundary-value problem. The issue of obtaining similar results for the terminal value problem for the system of fractional differential equations with tempered and Ψ–tempered fractional derivatives of Caputo type is considered.

Keyword : terminal value problem, fractional differential equation, Caputo derivative, pseudoinverse Moore-Penrose matrix, Fredholm integral equation

How to Cite
Boichuk, O., & Feruk, V. (2025). Terminal value problem for the system of fractional differential equations with additional restrictions. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 30(1), 120–141.
Published in Issue
Jan 23, 2025
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