
Micropolar fluid-thin elastic structure interaction: variational analysis

    Grigory Panasenko Affiliation
    ; Laetitia Paoli Affiliation
    ; Ruxandra Stavre Affiliation


We consider the non-stationary flow of a micropolar fluid in a thin channel with an impervious wall and an elastic stiff wall, motivated by applications to blood flows through arteries. We assume that the elastic wall is composed of several layers with different elastic characteristics and that the domains occupied by the two media are infinite in one direction and the problem is periodic in the same direction. We provide a complete variational analysis of the two dimensional interaction between the micropolar fluid and the stratified elastic layer. For a suitable data regularity, we prove the existence, the uniqueness and the regularity of the solution to the variational problem associated to the physical system. Increasing the data regularity, we prove that the fluid pressure is unique, we obtain additional regularity for all the unknown functions and we show that the solution to the variational problem is solution for the physical system, as well.

Keyword : fluid-structure interaction, micropolar fluid, stratified elastic layer, periodic flow, existence, uniqueness, regularity

How to Cite
Panasenko, G., Paoli, L., & Stavre, R. (2024). Micropolar fluid-thin elastic structure interaction: variational analysis. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 29(4), 641–668.
Published in Issue
Oct 11, 2024
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