
Applications of the MOORA and TOPSIS methods for decision of electric vehicles in public transportation technology


The technological development of buses among the new alternative concepts is evaluated in this paper. Bus transportation is an important system in the public transportation, which is cheap, flexible and, in many cases, in terms of capacity and speed. But increasing car traffic in the city centre and increasing the emission such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the air are some of the dangerous problems for urban life. Therefore, it is needed the public transportation to stop increasing car traffic and needed the cleaner technology for air and environmental quality. Electric Buses (EBs) can play an important role for resident’s life quality with improving the urban air quality. However, planners and managers have difficulty in decision-making due to diversified EBs together with the developing technology. Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods that are analytic decision processes, prepare a good solution for this problem. In this study, 5 EBs are assessed under the special criteria with Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Multi‐Objective Optimization on the basis of the Ratio Analysis (MOORA) methods. These 2 methods are MCDM methods that are used to aim of ranking of alternatives in the complex decision problem. These methods are applied to select the best EB under the 6 criteria. Finally, E5-Bus is selected as the best option that rank of the 1st at all the 3 methods. Besides, MOORA and TOPSIS methods were compared. The results are shown alongside the best bus selection for public transportation that MOORA method is also a strong tool for solving vehicle selection problems in transportation. The proposed model has been validated using existing real applications. The proposed multi-criteria analysis can be used for advising decision-makers in their decision-making process for Electric Vehicles (EVs) in the area of clean transportation.

Keyword : electric bus, MOORA, TOPSIS, urban transportation, MCDM, selection process

How to Cite
Hamurcu, M., & Eren, T. (2022). Applications of the MOORA and TOPSIS methods for decision of electric vehicles in public transportation technology. Transport, 37(4), 251–263.
Published in Issue
Nov 18, 2022
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