
Arrival time valuation of commuters in urban rail transit

    Yan Cheng Affiliation
    ; Xiafei Ye Affiliation
    ; Zhi Wang Affiliation


Departure time choice of commuters is one of key decisions affecting the crowding of urban rail transit network during peak hours. It is influenced by arrival time value, the additional psychological pressure caused by in-vehicle crowding, and time uncertainty. This paper aims at investigating how commuters in urban rail transit value their arrival time at work/school. Three valuation frameworks are proposed based on the reference point approach of prospect theory. Non-linear value functions with different reference point alternatives are estimated using data from a survey and stated choice study of users of Shanghai Metro system. Results show that schedule delay with work/school start time as the only reference point cannot properly reflect the arrival time valuation of urban rail transit commuters. Instead, the valuation framework with preferred arrival time as a reference point fits best, which hits as much as 85.64% of the cases. The asymmetrical response to early-side and late-side arrivals is identified. The findings of this study provide an essential basis for the development of departure time choice model.

Keyword : urban rail transit, commuter, departure time choice, arrival time value, reference point, valuation framework

How to Cite
Cheng, Y., Ye, X., & Wang, Z. (2019). Arrival time valuation of commuters in urban rail transit. Transport, 34(3), 383-393.
Published in Issue
Jun 3, 2019
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