
The perceived relationship between sustainable energy technologies, eco-innovation, economic growth and social sustainability: evidence from China

    FengSheng Chien Affiliation
    ; Ka Yin Chau Affiliation
    ; Xiang-Chu Huang Affiliation


Social sustainability is a global necessity because of environmental and economic uncertainty. This issue needs the foremost solution, and for this purpose, researchers’ and policymakers’ emphasis is required. Thereby, the present paper investigates sustainable energy technologies such as solar and hydroelectric, eco-innovation and EG and their impact on social sustainability in China. The study also used industrialization and inflation as the control variables in the time span of 1981 to 2020. The present study also applied the Dynamic Auto-regressive Distributed Lags (DARDL) model to evaluate the association between the outlined variables. The results indicated that sustainable energy technologies such as solar and hydroelectric, eco-innovation, economic growth, industrialization and inflation are significantly associated with social sustainability in China. The present paper offers standard policies to regulators in making regulations related to maintaining social sustainability by using effective sustainable energy technologies and eco-innovation.

Keyword : sustainable energy technologies, social sustainability, eco-innovation, economic growth, industrialization, inflation

How to Cite
Chien, F., Chau, K. Y., & Huang, X.-C. (2024). The perceived relationship between sustainable energy technologies, eco-innovation, economic growth and social sustainability: evidence from China. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 30(1), 175–195.
Published in Issue
Feb 12, 2024
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