
Measuring the inter-structural low-carbon economic inequalities from perspectives of industrial heterogeneity and scale economy: A case study of China’s 29 non-ferrous metal industries

    Lu-Xuan Sun Affiliation
    ; Miao Wang Affiliation
    ; Yin-Shuang Xia Affiliation
    ; Chao Feng Affiliation


With the rapid energy consumption increase in China’s non-ferrous metal industry (NMI), there are inequalities in energy-related CO2 emissions among the sub-sectors. In this paper, a meta-frontier decomposition analysis was proposed for decomposing inter-structural low-carbon economic development inequalities among 29 sub-sectors in China’s NMI from 2004 to 2018 into 11 components, including four new factors, i.e., energy- and output- oriented technological gaps and scale economies. In addition, an I(CI) index is constructed to measure the inter-inequalities of low-carbon economic development among NMI and decomposed from the static and dynamic perspectives, respectively. Results show that: (1) I(CI) index was in a downward trend during 2004–2010, while remained stable during 2010–2018; (2) the energy-oriented technological gap (ETG) was the key promoters to increase I(CI); (3) the potential energy intensity (PEI) was the primary inhibiting factor for I(CI); (4) the government can reduce the inter-inequalities by narrowing the technological gap and reducing potential energy intensity in the energy market.

First published online 20 May 2022

Keyword : low-carbon economy, non-ferrous metal industries, decomposition analysis, inter-structural heterogeneities, scale economy

How to Cite
Sun, L.-X., Wang, M., Xia, Y.-S., & Feng, C. (2022). Measuring the inter-structural low-carbon economic inequalities from perspectives of industrial heterogeneity and scale economy: A case study of China’s 29 non-ferrous metal industries. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 28(4), 1022–1043.
Published in Issue
Jun 7, 2022
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