
Using the sustainability-balanced scorecard for assessing sustainability issues of the green energy companies

    Ming-Tsang Lu Affiliation
    ; Shih-Chia Chang Affiliation
    ; Li-Hua Huang Affiliation


Assessing the sustainability issues of the green energy companies is a multiple criterion decision that includes both quantitative and qualitative elements. The sustainability-balanced scorecard (SBSC) for sustainability evaluation is more difficult than an internal evaluation and it requires more serious investigation in the green energy companies. This paper objectives to mix this sustainability evaluation and use fuzzy information with the SBSC. The study presents a fuzzy DEMATEL (decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory) method to develop an assessment model that integrates triangular fuzzy numbers, and DEMATEL to develop a fuzzy assessment, which prioritizes the relative influence of SBSC for green energy companies’ elements. First, this paper conducts a literature review on SBSC regarding sustainability issues to generate 15 elements with five aspects, which are used to measure the sustainability assessment. Next, fuzzy DEMATEL is employed to manage the uncertain linguistic terms, then to set up an influential network relationship map (INRM). This suggested model provides a structure for the related green energy companies to select the evaluation method and could arrange the sustainability approach according to future competitive pressure. The result shows that environmental aspect is the most direct effect and social aspect is the most important effect aspect to the other aspects.

First published online 10 February 2022

Keyword : sustainability, sustainability-balanced scorecard (SBSC), green energy companies, influential network relationship map

How to Cite
Lu, M.-T., Chang, S.-C., & Huang, L.-H. (2022). Using the sustainability-balanced scorecard for assessing sustainability issues of the green energy companies. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 28(2), 483–499.
Published in Issue
Feb 23, 2022
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