
Method of lines and finite difference schemes with the exact spectrum for solution the hyperbolic heat conduction equation

    Harijs Kalis Affiliation
    ; Andris Buikis Affiliation


This paper is concerning with the 1-D initial–boundary value problem for the hyperbolic heat conduction equation. Numerical solutions are obtained using two discretizations methods – the finite difference scheme (FDS) and the difference scheme with the exact spectrum (FDSES). Hyperbolic heat conduction problem with boundary conditions of the third kind is solved by the spectral method. Method of lines and the Fourier method are considered for the time discretization.

Finite difference schemes with central difference and exact spectrum are analyzed. A novel method for solving the discrete spectral problem is used. Special matrix with orthonormal eigenvectors is formed. Numerical results are obtained for steel quenching problem in the plate and in the sphere with holes. The hyperbolic heat conduction problem in the sphere with holes is reduced to the problem in the plate. Some examples and numerical results for two typical problems related to hyperbolic heat conduction equation are presented.

Keyword : Spectral problems, hyperbolic heat conducting equation, finite differences

How to Cite
Kalis, H., & Buikis, A. (2011). Method of lines and finite difference schemes with the exact spectrum for solution the hyperbolic heat conduction equation. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 16(2), 220-232.
Published in Issue
Jun 24, 2011
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