
Asymptotic analysis of Sturm-Liouville problem with Dirichlet and nonlocal two-point boundary conditions

    Artūras Štikonas   Affiliation
    ; Erdoğan Şen Affiliation


In this study, we obtain asymptotic expansions for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the one–dimensional Sturm–Liouville equation with one classical Dirichlet type boundary condition and two-point nonlocal boundary condition. We analyze the characteristic equation of the boundary value problem for eigenvalues and derive asymptotic expansions of arbitrary order. We apply the obtained results to the problem with two-point nonlocal boundary condition.

Keyword : Sturm–Liouville problem, Dirichlet condition, two-point nonlocal conditions, asymptotics of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions

How to Cite
Štikonas, A., & Şen, E. (2023). Asymptotic analysis of Sturm-Liouville problem with Dirichlet and nonlocal two-point boundary conditions. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 28(2), 308–329.
Published in Issue
Mar 21, 2023
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