
Mathematical model for the study of obesity in a population and its impact on the growth of diabetes

    Erick Delgado Moya   Affiliation
    ; Alain Pietrus Affiliation
    ; Séverine Bernard   Affiliation


In this paper, we present a deterministic mathematical model for the study of overweight, and obesity in a population and its impact on the growth of the number of diabetics. For the construction of the model, we take into account social factors and the interactions between the elements of society. We find the basic reproduction number and prove the global stability of the disease-free equilibrium point. We present theoretical results and find the sensitivity indices to characterize the impact of parameters associated with overweight, obesity and diagnosed diabetes on the basic reproduction number. To validate the model, we perform computational simulations and study the basic reproduction number and compartments. We present the behavior of the compartments for a scenario and study the impact of the variation of parameters associated with overweight by social pressure and diabetes due to causes other than obesity.

Keyword : diabetes, obesity, overweight, mathematical model, ordinary differential equation

How to Cite
Delgado Moya, E., Pietrus, A., & Bernard, S. (2023). Mathematical model for the study of obesity in a population and its impact on the growth of diabetes. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 28(4), 611–635.
Published in Issue
Oct 20, 2023
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