
On time-to-buffer overflow distribution in a single-machine discrete-time system with finite capacity

    Wojciech M. Kempa   Affiliation


A model of a single-machine production system with finite magazine capacity is investigated. The input flow of jobs is organized according to geometric distribution of interarrival times, while processing times are assumed to be generally distributed. The closed-form formula for the generating function of the time to the first buffer overflow distribution conditioned by the initial buffer state is found. The analytical approach based on the idea of embedded Markov chain, the formula of total probability and linear algebra is applied. The corresponding result for next buffer overflows is also given. Numerical examples are attached as well.

Keyword : buffer overflow, geometric distribution, production line, queueing model, transient analysis

How to Cite
Kempa, W. M. (2020). On time-to-buffer overflow distribution in a single-machine discrete-time system with finite capacity. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 25(2), 289-302.
Published in Issue
Mar 18, 2020
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