
Measuring tourists’ visual perception of gardens around Taihu Lake Rim area based on multi-source data

    Wenjie Liu Affiliation
    ; Rouran Zhang Affiliation
    ; Huan Li Affiliation


Tourists’ visual preferences are of paramount importance for the local garden environment assessment. However, the diversity of garden elements presents challenges in achieving uniform assessments. This study focuses on 65 modern gardens around Taihu Lake (太湖), utilizing image semantic segmentation and the Semantic Differential (SD) method to evaluate tourists’ visual perceptions, identifying 16 perceptual indicators associated with garden elements. The research findings indicate the following: (1) Modern gardens in different cities (Wuxi, Suzhou, Huzhou) offer distinct visual experiences to tourists. (2) Through quantitative analysis of garden elements and tourists’ visual perceptions, it is revealed that middle and high-rise vegetation, hydrology, architecture, and sketch elements enhance visual aesthetics, while main road and low-rise vegetation elements result in less pronounced perceptions. This study quantitatively explores the complexities in evaluating garden aesthetics and serves as a bridge between qualitative and quantitative aspects for future garden environmental impact assessments.

Keyword : garden environment, visual perception, image, element, tourists, environmental impact assessment

How to Cite
Liu, W., Zhang, R., & Li, H. (2024). Measuring tourists’ visual perception of gardens around Taihu Lake Rim area based on multi-source data. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 32(2), 152–168.
Published in Issue
Mar 26, 2024
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