
Effectiveness of a modern landfill liner system in controlling groundwater quality of an open hydrogeological system, SE Lithuania

    Valentinas Baltrūnas Affiliation
    ; Gintarė Slavinskienė   Affiliation
    ; Bronislavas Karmaza   Affiliation
    ; Violeta Pukelytė   Affiliation


The work analyzes data of environmental geological mapping, groundwater monitoring of the region municipal waste landfill. This study examines the effectiveness of a modern landfill liner system in minimizing migration of pollutants in the groundwater of an open hydrogeological system. The results showed that dissolution of carbonates and dilution were the major processes controlling groundwater quality. In the landfill’s direct impact zone, groundwater was only weakly polluted with biogenic components. Increase in concentrations of these chemical components in this zone was related with the groundwater and surface runoff water flowing from adjacent areas. We can state that the modern landfill liner system we analysed is efficient and has no adverse effects on groundwater quality under hydrogeological conditions favourable for the spread of pollutants. However, in case of an accident, pollutants might pose a great threat on the safety of groundwater. Therefore, even modern landfill liner systems are not recommended to be constructed in open hydrogeological systems.

Keyword : landfill, groundwater, geological environment, pollution, Lithuania

How to Cite
Baltrūnas, V., Slavinskienė, G., Karmaza, B., & Pukelytė, V. (2020). Effectiveness of a modern landfill liner system in controlling groundwater quality of an open hydrogeological system, SE Lithuania. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 28(4), 174-182.
Published in Issue
Nov 25, 2020
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