
A review of agent-based modeling in construction management: an analytical framework based on multiple objectives

    Wenyao Liu Affiliation
    ; Qingfeng Meng Affiliation
    ; Hanhao Zhi Affiliation
    ; Zhen Li Affiliation
    ; Xin Hu Affiliation


The increased complexity of construction projects has caused various management challenges. To clarify the mechanism of construction system complexity and improve the ability to manage the complexity of construction projects, the Agent-based modeling (ABM) method has been introduced and used in the construction management field. Nevertheless, a systematic, holistic, and panoramic understanding of the use of the ABM model in the construction management field is still lacking. To address this research gap, this study reviewed 133 historical explorations retrieved from the database of Web of Science. By using the multiple objectives of construction management as the literature classification framework, the study described the research status of the agent-based modeling method in the field of construction management. On this basis, this paper suggested the improvement paths in the application of this method from three aspects. It is expected that this study will provide a theoretical basis for enhancing understanding of the use of the ABM method in construction management, and also provide insights for future explorations in the area.

Keyword : literature review, agent-based modeling, construction management, multiple objectives, bibliometric analysis

How to Cite
Liu, W., Meng, Q., Zhi, H., Li, Z., & Hu, X. (2024). A review of agent-based modeling in construction management: an analytical framework based on multiple objectives. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 30(3), 200–219.
Published in Issue
Mar 8, 2024
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