
Measuring the FDI attractiveness in the EAP countries from an institutional perspective

    Sergiu Lucian Sorcaru Affiliation
    ; Florian Marcel Nuta Affiliation
    ; Stefan Catalin Topliceanu Affiliation
    ; Alisa Mihaela Ambrozie Affiliation


Countries in the European Union’s neighborhood, such as those in the Eastern Partnership (EaP), have a particular interest in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) because investment inflows can guarantee them a number of advantages needed for accession. This paper proposes a comparative analysis of the investment attractiveness of the EaP countries in the period 2005–2019 considering the institutional theory of FDI inflows. The research methodology considers a quantitative approach that uses the composite index as a tool. The results show that half of the EaP countries have a high level of investment attractiveness, while the institutional quality has an important influence on attracting FDI.

First published online 09 January 2024

Keyword : investment attractiveness, doing business, Eastern Partnership, country risk, institutional quality, democracy, economic freedom

How to Cite
Sorcaru, S. L., Nuta, F. M., Topliceanu, S. C., & Ambrozie, A. M. (2023). Measuring the FDI attractiveness in the EAP countries from an institutional perspective. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 24(6), 1019–1041.
Published in Issue
Dec 29, 2023
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