
The influence of psychological ownership and social support on organizational resilience: the mediating role of organizational identity

    Kui He Affiliation
    ; Judit Oláh   Affiliation
    ; Morshadul Hasan   Affiliation


Faced with a complex and volatile environment, improving the resilience of organizations to resist various risks, enhancing the viability of enterprises, and ultimately achieving sustainable development capabilities has become a top priority for business managers. This study first explores the relationship between employee psychological ownership, organizational resilience, and social support by combining the relevant literature, constructing a theoretical research model, and proposing hypotheses. Through statistical analysis of 332 valid questionnaires, the results show that employee psychological ownership positively impacts organizational resilience. Also, social supports positively affect organizational resilience and organizational identity in employee psychological ownership, and social supports and organizational resilience both play an intermediary role.

Keyword : psychological ownership of employees, social support, organizational resilience, organizational identity, the impact of psychological ownership, the impact of social support, mediating role of organizational identity

How to Cite
He, K., Oláh, J., & Hasan, M. (2022). The influence of psychological ownership and social support on organizational resilience: the mediating role of organizational identity. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 23(3), 650–667.
Published in Issue
May 23, 2022
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