Vol 41 No 4 (2017): Resilient design and resilient city: toward a better living

Published: 2017-12-26


The effect of spatial configuration in the thermal area of Fort Oranje public space in Ternate City

Asri A. Muhammad, Firdawaty Marasabessy, Arif Kusumawanto, Ardhya Nareswari
Abstract 833 | PDF Downloads 572 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/20297955.2017.1402719

Page 253-259

The impacts of multiple lightshelves on natural lighting distribution and effective temperature at office rooms

Eddy Indarto, Gagoek Hardiman, Wahyu Setia Budi, Djalal Er Riyanto
Abstract 782 | PDF Downloads 822 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/20297955.2017.1402718

Page 260-267

Control of spatial protection in Kauman Semarang

Atiek Suprapti, Nurdien H. Kistanto, Edward E. Pandelaki, Djoko Indrosaptono
Abstract 883 | PDF Downloads 804 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/20297955.2017.1402717

Page 268-277

Transformation of form in the growth of modern Javanese house in Laweyan Surakarta

Untung Joko Cahyono, Bambang Setioko, Titin Woro Murtini
Abstract 899 | PDF Downloads 684 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/20297955.2017.1411848

Page 288-295

Algae and building façade revisited. A study of façade system for infill design

Widjaja Martokusumo, M. Donny Koerniawan, Heru W. Poerbo, Nissa A. Ardiani, Susan H. Krisanti
Abstract 1232 | PDF Downloads 1315 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/20297955.2017.1411847

Page 296-304

Lifestyle trends and housing typologies in emerging multicultural cities

Ashraf M. Salama, Florian Wiedmann, Hatem G. Ibrahim
Abstract 1587 | PDF Downloads 1745 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/20297955.2017.1415773

Page 316-327