Vol 27 No 3 (2023)

Published: 2023-07-13


Are we there or do we have more to do? Metaverse in facility management and future prospects

Asmae El Jaouhari, Jabir Arif, Ashutosh Samadhiya, Anil Kumar, Vaidotas Trinkūnas
Abstract 839 | PDF Downloads 615 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/ijspm.2023.19516

Page 159–175

Emphasizing access to health and treatment services in order to identify the key factors influencing an age-friendly city

Hossein Komasi, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani Zolfani, Jurgita Antuchevičienė
Abstract 602 | PDF Downloads 381 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/ijspm.2023.19865

Page 176–187

Effect of urban innovation on land finance dependence: evidence from 233 Chinese cities

Wenyan Fu, Xiaofeng Zhao, Sheng-Hau Lin, Yi Li, Zhonghan Wang
Abstract 455 | PDF Downloads 296 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/ijspm.2023.19922

Page 188–201