Modelling decision-making processes in bidding procedures with the use of the fuzzy sets theory
In the bidding procedure not only the contractor but also the construction owner make a number of vital decisions, the consequences of which are significant. The contractor has to decide whether to take part in a given bid and, having been accepted, he/she has to prepare a bidding offer. Its essential element is the mark-up introduced to the calculation of the bidding price. On the other hand, the investing construction owner has to decide which contractors are the closest to his/her requirements. The article presents mathematical models concerning the decisions made by the contractor and construction owner in the bidding procedure. All the models are based on the same simple mathematical apparatus using fuzzy sets.
First Publish Online: 18 Sep 2014
First Publish Online: 18 Sep 2014
Keyword : Bidding procedures, Mark-up decision, Bid/no bid decision, Prequalification, Fuzzy sets theory

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