Property appraisal via lens of property registration abundance – real estate market asymmetry assessment
Information on transaction prices and the ones characterizing the property as the subject of the valuation are essential for a proper valuation process. The accuracy and completeness of the collected set of information directly affects the quality of the valuation process. When market participants operate on the basis of unequal sets of information, information asymmetry is revealed. This research investigates the effects of information asymmetry on property market from the perspective of property registration abundance and mass appraisal systems. It explores how disparities in information abundance and quality within property registration and appraisal processes can affect market fairness and transparency. Employing a mixed-methods approach, it analyses property transaction data and tries to investigate effects of information asymmetry. The findings indicate that enhanced transparency and data quality can significantly reduce valuation discrepancies and lead to a more equitable real estate market. The study concludes with recommendations aimed at justifying information asymmetry’s negative effects, supporting for policies that promote information uniformity to improve the fairness and efficiency of property registration and mass appraisal practices.
Keyword : information asymmetry, property valuation, random forest, neural networks, multiple linear regression

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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