Quantitative View Assessment (QUVIAS) method for window visibility analysis utilizing BIM, GIS and Web environments
The developers of the construction project assess the economic feasibility of the project at the early stages of project development and analyse possible alternative solutions. This research focuses on the assessment of property attractiveness and building location problems at an early stage of project development and proposes the original method for visibility analysis based on the utilization of Building Information Modelling (BIM), Geographic Information System (GIS) and Web environments. The proposed Quantitative View Assessment (QUVIAS) method allows to assess the view mathematically and presents it as a quantitative parameter. The proposed method considers the mathematical shape of the view as a sphere and utilizes spherical coordinates that remove distortions and increase the accuracy of the analysis. The presented approach determines quantitative view coefficients for alternatives of windows, premises and buildings, including their comparison. The way of determining the view proposed in the QUVIAS method can help decision-makers to make more accurate decisions during the selection of a project development strategy. The experimental analysis proved the usefulness of the proposed QUVIAS method in the assessment of the rational building location and prediction of project revenues as well as potential usefulness in the estimation of property attractiveness.
Keyword : Building Information Modelling (BIM), GIS, Web, QUVIAS, project planning, building location, visibility analysis

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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