
Soft system methodology approach: tourism conceptual model as the identity of Bandung, Indonesia

    Leo Aldianto Affiliation
    ; Santi Novani Affiliation
    ; Grisna Anggadwita   Affiliation
    ; Adi Asmariadi Budi Affiliation
    ; Christina Wirawan   Affiliation


The Indonesian tourism sector has become one of government’s focus points because of its significant contribution to economic development on all levels, district/city, province, or national. As an Indonesian city, Bandung has a lot of tourism potential with its local cultural diversity. The purpose of this research is to develop a conceptual model design of tourism, especially in Bandung city as one of the cultural identity cities in West Java. A system thinking approach with qualitative analysis, known as the Soft System Methodology (SSM), is used in this research. Qualitative data collection techniques were carried out by a purposive sampling technique which was obtained from the results of in-depth interviews with stakeholders that included academics, representatives of the government, communities, and businesspeople in the tourism sector. The result of this research is a conceptual model design for Bandung city tourism as the identity of a cultural city, called as Sunda Culture Center (Sunda Centrum).

Keyword : conceptual model, local culture, soft system methodology, stakeholders, Sunda centrum, tourism

How to Cite
Aldianto, L., Novani, S., Anggadwita, G., Budi, A. A., & Wirawan, C. (2020). Soft system methodology approach: tourism conceptual model as the identity of Bandung, Indonesia. Business: Theory and Practice, 21(1), 282-292.
Published in Issue
Apr 15, 2020
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