
Impact of ethical leadership and thriving at work on psychological well-being of employees: mediating role of voice behaviour

    Khadija Yousaf Affiliation
    ; Ghulam Abid Affiliation
    ; Tahira Hassan Butt Affiliation
    ; Sehrish Ilyas Affiliation
    ; Saira Ahmed Affiliation


Purpose – We investigated how thriving at work and ethical leadership affects the employee psychological well-being. Further, we also examined the mediating role of voice behaviour between thriving at work and employee psychological well-being as well as ethical leadership and employee psychological well-being.

Research methodology – A quantitative research method was utilized to collect data from employees of a telecommunication company. SPSS and Process Macro were used for data analysis.

Findings – Results demonstrated that thriving at work and ethical leadership are positively associated with employee psychological well-being. Furthermore, the employee voice behaviour acts as a mediator between thriving at work, ethical leadership and employee well-being.

Research limitations – All of the data in this study were collected from single source i.e., employees of information technology industry and also specific to a metropolitan city like Lahore. Further, study has a very limited representation of the females.

Practical implications – the findings suggest that organizations should create such an environment where managers are able to have positive verbal interactions with employees that may facilitate their well-being and makes them satisfied with their jobs.

Originality/Value – This study is one of the first studies to investigate the association between voice behaviour, thriving at work, employee psychological as well as psychological well-being.

Keyword : thriving at work, ethical leadership, well-being, voice behaviour

How to Cite
Yousaf, K., Abid, G., Butt, T. H., Ilyas, S., & Ahmed, S. (2019). Impact of ethical leadership and thriving at work on psychological well-being of employees: mediating role of voice behaviour. Business, Management and Economics Engineering, 17(2), 194-217.
Published in Issue
Dec 19, 2019
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