Virtual reality application in pilotage training: a comparative analysis of real flights
Virtual reality technology has been in a development trend since 1966 when it was used as a flight simulator. Since this technology emerged as a training area, has been used in the public sector for 25 years. According to the purpose of study, three main flight stages are determined. These are take-off stage, controlling air movements in traffic pattern, approach and landing stage. External and internal controls, engine start, taxi and take-off tasks are analysed under take-off stage. Climb, ascending, and cruise flight, low and normal bank turns, turns in climb and descent, speed altitude tracking tasks are analysed under controlling air movements in traffic pattern. Triangulation tracking, approach pattern, landing, and leaving the runway, taxiing tasks are analysed under approach and landing stage. Forty one pilotage students are analysed, and the findings showed a statistical difference between VR and real flight performances in Speed Altitude Tracking, Approach Pattern tasks that real flight scores were relatively higher. Additionally, a statistical difference was found between VR and Real Flight Performances related to Approach and Landing stage different from two other stages. To summarize, a significant similarity in terms of grades between VR and real flight experience was found excluding two tasks.
Keyword : virtual reality, real flight, pilotage training, flight stages, flight tasks

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