
Improvement of fatigue management methodology related to flight crew

    Iyad Alomar Affiliation
    ; Sofija Alomar Affiliation
    ; Inna Stecenko Affiliation


This research focuses on flight crew fatigue and the improvement of a fatigue management methodology that helps in reducing fatigue for flight crew members, aiming to improve their well-being and overall aviation safety of flights. A thorough literature review established a foundation for understating fatigue and the available methodologies for fatigue management for flight crew members. To make the picture clearer, an empirical study was conducted, and it included surveys and interviews with flight crew members. The gathered data underwent detailed statistical and thematic analysis to identify key factors influencing fatigue among flight crew members. Findings revealed multiple contributors to the flight crew member fatigue. Using these insights, a fatigue management methodology is proposed, integrating real-world experiences with evidence-based strategies. The proposed methodology and the recommendations that were formed are relevant for a company management which is facing flight crew fatigue management issues.

Keyword : aviation, fatigue, flight crew, crew resource management, safety

How to Cite
Alomar, I., Alomar, S., & Stecenko, I. (2024). Improvement of fatigue management methodology related to flight crew. Aviation, 28(3), 148–162.
Published in Issue
Sep 20, 2024
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