A new closed form solution for dynamic stability analysis of rolling airframes having one pair ON-OFF actuator
In this paper, the dynamic stability analysis of a rolling airframe actuated by one pair ON-OFF actuator using linear theory is presented via developing a new closed form solution. The effect of discontinuous forcing term on rolling airframe stability is studied. In contrast to tricyclic motion with constant forcing term (constant non-homogeneous term) in which only the amplitude of nutation and precession is affected, it is found that ON-OFF control affects both amplitude and phase of nutation and precession motions. In the case of discontinuous control surface, there are two sources for resonance instability. Finally, through simulation results of closed form solutions, a comparison between airframe’ response to ideal and real ON-OFF command is achieved. The effect of ON-OFF control on angular motion is also evaluated.
Keyword : rolling airframe, one pair ON-OFF actuator, dynamic stability, resonance instability, linear analysis, closed form solution

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